Nintendo Network's final player has officially been disconnected
The end of an era
Nintendo shut down online play for 3DS and Wii U games earlier this year, not letting new players jump in for any internet-related activities. In advance of that shutdown, a number of players decided to connect online in various games in order to see how long they could stay active on the network. Sadly, the last connected player has now fallen.
Fishguy6564 was single-handedly keeping the Nintendo Network alive by staying online with Mario Kart 7. He had been up-and-running since the service shuttered back in April, which means his poor 3DS had been chugging along 24/7 to keep services alive. Other players were also playing various titles to stay connected, but they dropped one-by-one due to internet hiccups and hardware issues.
6+ months after Nintendo shut down services, Fishguy6564 has now been disconnected. After putting in a ridiculous amount of time, the dedicated fan’s 3DS finally crapped out. That means the Nintendo Network is officially done and dusted when it comes to 3DS and Wii U activity. All we have left now are our memories of the service!
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